This is a place where I mainly talk about development but also my other interests.
Woaw. It really had been a while since I posted something! So I've got a new life in Marseille. I'm back in Perfeo part time, and I work as a freelancer from home in the afternoons. I really enjoy it...
Read more31/08/2018
My girlfriend and I have taken the decision to go on a long road trip in North America for 3 months, before moving back to Europe. We have already been on the road for a week now.
Read more29/06/2018
After years on Sublime text, I have now switched to Visual Studio Code. I love it. It is written in Electron, like Atom. I did give that one a go too when it came out, but switched back to Sublime...
Read more24/05/2018
It’s been a while since I last posted an article here, Canada has kept me busy… Since I started that job at Autotrader back in March, I’ve learned a whole bunch of new things so I thought I’d summarize it...
Read more01/03/2018
I've arrived in Vancouver BC on the 14th of February on a working holiday VISA. I kinda needed a change of scenery and really wanted to travel for a while. Love it so far, the city is full of cool bars and places..
Read more29/12/2017
For Christmas this year, I wanted to offer something special to my father. He always had this old portrait photograph of his father, my grandad. He's posing in his Italian army uniform, back in the late 30s when he was doing his compulsory military service...
Read more11/12/2017
WordPress has been the CMS I use in most projects for quite a few years now. There is a simple reason for that: I'm yet to find a better solution than WordPress + ACF Pro for rapid development...
Read more13/11/2017
After working for years with Grunt and Gulp, I decided it was about time to have a look at Webpack...
Read more17/10/2017
For a while, I've been trying to figure out a better git workflow. When I first started coding, version control wasn't a mandatory thing yet. It is something I learned along the way...
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