AKA WordPress

Wordpress Custom Setup

Most sites produced by AKA run on WordPress. A large number of them require similar functionalities and content types.

This is the reason why we created a custom WordPress template, to start new projects and allow for rapid development.

It is using composer to install dependencies, Twig in the theme for templating and a Gulp/bower front-end build process, to concatenate JS files and compile Sass. The installation comes with custom plugins I built, providing common functionality:

  • Development mode to lock the administration area.
  • Usual custom post types and custom fields.
  • Changes monitoring with alert system.

In addition, I also created a shell script to be used as a command line. It can create a new project or setup an existing one on a developer's computer. It does everything that should otherwise be done manually: get the latest version of AKA WordPress from Bitbucket, install dependencies, flush permalinks, run npm and bower etc...

  • Tools: Shell scripting, composer, twig, Gulp, Bower Bootstrap, WordPress
  • Role: Back-end development