
Vagrant based dev environement

As I started a new job at Perfeo in early 2019, I wanted to enjoy a full unix system on my windows computer at work.

Also, I thought it would be great if all the developers were using the exact same development environement. I then decided to create such environement for everyone to enjoy, with all the tools that we needed.

I chose to use Vagrant and Virtualbox, making it compatible with most systems. The linux distribution used is Ubuntu 18.04 and it has all been tested on Mac, Windows 10 and Windows 7. As for the software included:

  • nginx 1.14
  • apache 2.4
  • php 7.3 and 5.6 (fpm)
  • mysql 5.7
  • phpmyadmin
  • shellinabox (to access the box in a terminal from your browser)
  • composer
  • wp-cli
  • git

It is available for free on github, so if you're looking for a all-in-one, multi-platform, easy-to-deploy environment, give it a go.